Looking back at the information that I’ve already posted on around Omnichannel for Microsoft Dynamics 365, I seriously can’t believe that I haven’t already done an article on how to set up a chat channel. I know I’ve talked about some of the functionality within chat itself, but it’s now time to sort this out.
This was the FIRST thing that I did when I got my first Omnichannel environment up & running. The feeling of satisfaction when it was all complete and worked was incredible. I think I may have bounded out of my chair, punching the air!
So, with that all being said, let’s see how to go about it. It’s not that difficult, and there are some helpful settings within it. The functionality has also increased with the Wave 1 2020 release, which is quite cool.
Now, you can create multiple chat channels, and position them where you want to. Each chat channel can point to a different workstream, and then feed into a different queue (more on that in another post).
To create a chat channel, go to the Omnichannel Administration Hub, select ‘Chat’ in the left hand menu, and click ‘New’

You’re then presented with a new Chat record window, to set it up. It’s actually quite simple to go through, with tabs providing different options. Don’t forget about these!

A few things to point out from the main page:
- Proactive chat ability (see https://thecrm.ninja/proactive-chat-in-omnichannel-for-dynamics-365/)
- Chat Transcripts (see https://thecrm.ninja/omnichannel-for-dynamics-365-chat-transcripts/)
- The Customer Waiting options – these allow the customer to see where they are in the queue, as well as the average wait time

Chat Design
Once you’ve filled in the main information, switch to the Design tab. Here you’ll be able to configure the look & feel of things:

Now at this point in time, you’re only able to use the pre-defined theme colours for the Omnichannel chat widget. That’s not to say that you can’t work around this – if you use an Azure bot, or a custom bot (which needs to be using the Azure bot framework, admittedly), you could set a custom colour there.
You can change the logo displayed – this needs to be a publicly accessible online image. This can result in some fun looks!

You can also set Operating Hours for when the chat will be active (see https://thecrm.ninja/handling-company-hours/ for how to set this up).
Pre chat survey
Heading to the pre-chat survey tab, we can set up survey questions for the customer to answer before the chat actually starts with an agent.
There are some nice options here:
- Being able to set questions as mandatory or not
- Different answer types available. Eg text (single or multi-line), option-set, or user consent

Now at this point in time, it’s not possible to use the answers given (eg with using an option-set) to route a customer to a specific queue. It would be amazing if this would happen, but it’s not there yet. Instead the information from the pre-survey questions are displayed in the agent interface. This is aimed at being able to gather information upfront, rather than the agent needing to ask for this during the chat session
The next tab allows the ability to tie the chat widget to a specific website. This means from a security point of view that if someone copies the source code from your webpage, it won’t work on a different website. If no domain is specified, the chat widget can be embedded on any website, without restrictions. It’s a useful concept that can be handy in certain scenarios.
We’re also able to capture the customer geo-location. This will prompt the customer to allow their location to be shared with the agent. If the customer doesn’t consent, then it won’t be shared. Note that this does require Bing Maps to work

Conversation Options
Part of the Wave 1 2020 release has been additional functionality for Omnichannel agents to use. This includes abilities to call, co-browse, and screen-share during customer chat sessions.

I’m going to going into detail around these options in a separate post. I’m also going to be looking into the current solution providers for this, and seeing what each one provides above & beyond Omnichannel integration
Custom Messages
The final tab gives the option to use custom messages for some of the system functionality. Essentially things like starting a chat, ending a chat, and chats timing out all have messages around them.

These are things like ‘An agent will be with you in a moment’:

What custom messages allows you to do is to change these. So for example, you could set up the following to be displayed:

I hope that this has been helpful in seeing how you can set up a chat channel. Stay posted for how to set up the other channels as well!
Thanks for a great article och tutorial. One among many great ones!
I’m working with my configuration, and trying to change the logo. I want to minimize the design area. aiming to “only” showing the round widget logo, and hide the white text field to the right of the logo. Do you know if that is possible. Or work around?
Hi Gabriel. Thanks so much! At the moment it doesn’t seem possible to display just the icon itself – it will show the text/space to the right of it.
Hi! I tried to place the widget on a custom website (not portals), but the widget did not appear. Any ideas why?
Hi Ricky. Could I ask how you tried placing the widget itself on your custom website?
Hello! I cannot confirm that the site is not managed by me. I gave the code snippet to the site partner. Do you have instructions for setting up chat on the custom website?
Hello again Ninja!
Do you know if the chat widget overlaps with other widgets on the site?
Hey Ricky.
Could you elaborate on the overlap scenario please?
Hey, is it possible to unlock the “position” field in the desing tab in order to move the positition of the chat widget?
Hi Antonella
At the moment, unfortunately this isn’t possible. Hopefully at some point in the future we’ll get the functionality to do it