In the previous article, we’ve taken a look at what Queues, Users and Skills are actually all about (
We’re now going to look as to how we go about configuring these. In this post, we’re going to look at Queues.
Please note that there is a default Omnichannel queue that is created for each organisation.

This default queue can’t be deleted, not even by an admin! By default, all Omnichannel users are members of the default queue. Therefore, the membership of this queue can’t be changed
Amusingly the priority of this default queue is set to 2147483647! This is, of course, the maximum value that the field can hold.
The way that queue priorities work is that the lower the number, the higher the priority. So 1 is higher than 2, etc. Thankfully Microsoft realised that there could be situations where everything just went to the default queue even when custom queues had been created, and therefore did the extremely intelligent move of setting the default queue to be the lowest possible priority!
Creating a new queue is quite simple! Navigate to the ‘Queues’ option in the left hand navigation, click on it, and then click the ‘New’ button on the menu ribbon bar

You’ll be prompted to give the new queue a name, and set a priority. Fill these in, and then click the ‘Save’ button on the menu ribbon bar

Once the queue has been saved, the form layout changes to allow users to be added to the queue, by using the ‘Add Existing User’ button in the Users grid.

Adding one or more users here will mean that when queries come into this queue that’s just been set up, these specific users will be able to see and respond (other users will not be able to).
In this manner, it’s possible to easily control which users have access to specific queues, which can benefit the efficiency of the engagement
Please note that only users who have been enabled for Omnichannel (ie had the necessary security role/s given to them) will be available to be added here.
So if you’re trying to add a user who isn’t coming up in the search here, please check that they have the security roles given to them, as we’ve covered in the post at (and of course that they’re correctly licensed!)
In the next post, we’ll be looking at how to set up and assign Skills.
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