The previous post in this mini series looked at how we go about enabling skill-based routing (
What we’re now going to do is understand how we go about attaching skills (which we’ve already learned how to set up) to conversations. The premise behind this is that when a customer will access Chat on a website interface, they’ll be presented with one (or more) pre-chat survey questions. The answer/s that are given are then used as skills, and the chat session will be automatically routed to the user who is best placed to help the customer. This is done based on the skill-attachment rules, which we’re now looking at.
There are two types of options available for skill matching:
- Exact skill matching. The skill attachment logic looks for the exact skill/s and proficiency level that an agent should have to work on the conversation (and uses this as the minimum criteria). Then it searches for an available agent with these, to route the conversation to. If the minimum criteria aren’t met, then it searches for a higher proficient level. If no agent with a higher proficient level is found, then the conversation remains in the queue
- Closest skill matching. This initially works the same as the exact skill matching. The system will identify the skill/s and minimum proficiency levels, and see if there’s an agent available. If not, it’ll search for a higher proficiency level. All the same so far. But if there are no agents matching (or having a higher) proficiency level, it will look for any agents that are available with a lower proficiency level, and route the conversation to them
To create a new skill attachment rule, you’ll need to create (or modify an existing) workstream (we’re going to look at workstreams in another post)

Go to Skill Attachment Rules, select the type of matching logic that you’re wanting, and create a new rule (assuming you’re not modifying an existing one)

In the new rule window that opens, fill in the necessary information on the left hand side. You can then start to set up your rule conditions (and oh boy can these be complicated!) in the Condition box on the right.

Once done, hit the Save button, and the Skills section box will become active. Clicking the ‘New Attach Skill’ button in this box will allow you to select the skill/s and proficiency levels that you’re wanting to use.

Click the ‘Save and Close’ button, and it’ll appear in the Skills box. If you’re wanting to add more than one skill at a time, click the arrow on the Save & Close button, and click the ‘Save and New’ option.

If you then go back to the Workstream record, you’ll need see this appearing in the Skills Attachment Rules section.

Hi…Thank you very much for the wonderful post..Do you got any update on this ? .I’m also facing the same issue on the final submission of Omnichannel Setup.
Note: I’m using online trial (NA region). I’ve been doing all these configuration via Global Admin Privilege user.
Request was not authorized
AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID ’18cc9627-776c-4142-b8f5-9cd83517e3bb’ named ‘Omnichannel for Customer Service’. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource. Trace ID: ff349c7c-8084-4df1-8f3e-df61f5ba6b00 Correlation ID: e10fcef3-9ea2-47e4-b5b7-db5b0262b187 Timestamp: 2020-01-07 10:01:57Z
Transaction Id: fa4441f7-2c6e-4aec-b6bc-012d1f123550