Well, to start off with, I wasn’t actually planning on writing this blog post – I was going to continue looking at the setup for Queues, but that’s going to have to wait until later on this week!
The subject of this post has come out of several conversations that I’ve been having with the lovely Tricia Sinclair on Omnichannel, who’s also extremely knowledgeable about Customer Service and DevOps.
This situation was regarding a company based in Australia. Their main tenant was set in the North America region (when you set up your tenant, you choose where the default should be).
They had also set up one of their organisations within the Australian region (ie not in their default tenant region), and were trying to install Omnichannel for it. However, they were running into an interesting error, and couldn’t get it to work, no matter what they tried to do.

In the end, the decision was taken to reach out to the Microsoft Product Team for Omnichannel, in order to try to solve the issue. Thankfully the product team identified the sticking point, which is actually a VERY important lesson to keep in mind when setting up Omnichannel.
The answer was that the organisation (environment) HAS TO BE in the same region as the tenant itself. Ie it MUST be in the default region. If it’s not, then it won’t be possible to set up Omnichannel!
Additionally the client also hadn’t followed the correct steps in granting consent (see https://thecrm.ninja/installing-omnichannel-for-dynamics-365-trial-part-i/ on how to do this), and hadn’t followed the proper procedure for installing Customer Service (see https://thecrm.ninja/installing-omnichannel-for-dynamics-365-trial-part-ii/ for how to do this correctly).
This hadn’t helped with troubleshooting the issue, as these needed to be carried out as well.
So in summary:
- It’s vitally important to ensure that the Organisation is set up in the same region as the tenant default region
- It’s also vitally important to carry out all of the installation/configuration steps correctly (as per the above links) to ensure a successful Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 installation