Well, somewhat of a mouthful of a title for this article, but I couldn’t think of a better way to put it!
You know the scenario – we’ve all been there. There’s a custom form (for a system entity, or even a custom entity). Multiple sections, tabs, and multiple fields that are required. Users are going through data entry, but SOMEHOW have forgotten to fill one (or more???) in, and they’re just not able to save the form!
Well, Microsoft has now upped the quality of the user experience, and OH BOY was I SO excited to see this!
Previously when you clicked the Save button, it just wouldn’t allow you to save. It told you that it was missing required information, and you had to go search to see WHICH field(s) you had missed out on.
But search no longer. For now the notification bar has a whole new behaviour:
Firstly, it tells you that there are notifications, and to select to view (Note: If you’ve only missed out one field, just skip to step 2!)

Then when you click on it, it tells you which (required) fields have data missing from them!

Even better, if you click on the notification for a specific missing field, it even takes you to that field – no longer do you have to try to find where it is!
This is truly amazing, and will help enable users (and relieve their frustration) so much!
3 thoughts on “Required fields on forms – what did you forget to fill in?”