Workaround for sharing Canvas Apps

Don’t you find it absolutely frustrating when there’s a canvas app that you want to get access to, or give other users access to, but can’t see it? It’s REALLY annoying, but it’s sort of the way that Microsoft has designed the platform (at least at this point in time).

See, when a user creates a canvas app, only the creator is able to see & launch it. If other users want to get access to it, the creator needs to share it. This can be done by sharing the app directly with another user, or by sharing it with an AAD Security Group (which is sort of best practise).

Now, of course there’s the Microsoft Power Platform Centre of Excellence solution, which includes a very handy app to assign permissions for canvas apps. After all, if a user is on holiday, sick leave, or has left the company, there needs to be some way of assigning permissions for other users to gain access to it. It’s really helpful, but of course needs the CoE solution installed.

Let’s think of another scenario. What about if we have some canvas apps as part of a solution, that’s deployed through (proper) ALM – such as using Azure DevOps with automated pipelines. Best practise for this is to use service principals (ie non-interactive user logins). This is great, but then the canvas app/s will be owned by this user. So without the use of the CoE ‘Set App Permissions’ canvas app, we’re sort of stuck, as we can’t gain access to the app.

Or can we…..?

So this is a scenario that I’ve been dealing with recently, and I’ve found a really cool workaround that doesn’t need the CoE ‘Set App Permissions’ canvas app to be able to handle the situation.

The example below (amusingly, in my opinion) is actually using the Microsoft CoE solution as an example, but this works with any canvas apps that are held within a solution (against, this heavily supports using solutions for ALL development items!).

So, this is what the actual installed apps look like in this environment:

As we can see, there are a lot of them! But what happens if I’m logged in as my regular user? What do I see if I go to the list of apps? Well, I’ll see the following:

Now, as we can see, I’m able to see the model-driven app (as these aren’t hidden at all). But I’m not able to see ANY of the canvas app! So how can I get access to it, or share it with other users?

Well, if I take a look at the solution itself, I can see the following when browsing to the list of apps (I’m really loving the new Solution Explorer layout, I’ll freely admit!):

I can try to play the canvas app (in this case, the ‘Set App Permissions’ app) directly from the solution. But when I try to do this, I’ll get the following error message:

Now, this is of course happening because I’m not the owner of the app, & the app hasn’t been shared with me at all. So really I was expecting this error to happen.

However, if I take a look at the menu options displayed for me, I can see that the ‘Share’ option isn’t greyed out. I wonder what happens if I click it…

Now this is EXCITING! When clicking the ‘Share’ option on the menu, I’m given the regular sharing screen, where I’m able to set app permissions. So it looks like I’m able to do something here. OK – let’s go ahead & try to share the app with my own user:

So I’ve looked up my own user, and then clicked ‘Share’. This is what happens next…

Exciting moment – will this work?

Waiting with bated breath, and then…

It’s worked! The app sharing has been successful with my user.

Note: The example that I’m using here is with my own user account. However it doesn’t need to be – I can select any user account or AAD Security Group, and share accordingly.

Going to my list of apps, I can now see that the app is showing up for me:

Clicking the app to launch it presents me with the permissions dialogue, and having confirmed permissions, then launches it properly:

So this is indeed a way in which it’s possible to share canvas apps with users and/or AAD security groups, even when a user isn’t the owner of the canvas app.

It is important to note that the user carrying this out does need to have one of the following permissions in the environment:

  • System Customiser
  • System Administrator

Without having one of these roles, it’s not going to be possible to carry out the above (mostly because it’s not possible to see solutions & dig down into them).

This is a handy little trick that hopefully will help clear up one of the headaches when trying to share canvas apps! Of course it’s possible to use the Microsoft CoE tool to set app permissions, but if a customer doesn’t have it installed, then this would be another way to approach things.

Have you ever had this issue? How did you go about solving it? I’d love to hear – please drop a comment below…

Keeping belief in oneself

Although I usually post around technical matters & such, occasionally I digress into personal reflection. After all, this is my personal blog, & I feel it’s sometimes good/relevant to share certain personal things. Today’s post is along those lines, though it does relate to a technical matter.

Let’s set the scene. As many of you know (either from knowing me personally, or from reading my blog posts), I’m from the ‘model-driven app’ background. Canvas apps are really cool, but I wouldn’t say that I’m a very advanced creator of them. I’m learning the whole time about them (well, when I have a free minute here & there). There are many people in the community who are extremely more advanced than I am, and I love being able to learn from them.

I’m also considered to be in ‘Delivery’, This is the fancy word for those who run/are involved in projects, rather than selling concepts to clients. I’d run a mile if someone tried to put me in a Sales role (though I do admire the power suits that Sales have, occasionally). I’ve done a bit of Pre-Sales (where I’m helping out from a technical perspective), but haven’t been heavily involved. It’s actually something that I’m trying to work on, with being a tech evangelist. After all, if people already know/rave about the tech, how can you evangelise about it to them!!

Account Managers vs Sales People - davidmarkshaw

So last week I get a call from our Sales team. They’re really nice, and know their stuff. However they’re not ‘techies’. They had a situation – we’d been talking to a client about a potential project, and the client told us to pitch for it. Brilliant, right? Well…

The client told us that we had 4 days until the pitch deadline. Not only were we needing to pitch with the usual presentation pack (however would Sales operate without PowerPoint…?), we also had to do a live demo. Not for a completed product, but rather a Proof of Concept (PoC).

The only person available was….yes, you guess it…me. There wasn’t anyone else around with the necessary knowledge/skills to create the PoC in the time-frame needed. I’ll freely admit that I was absolutely slammed with existing projects, but wanted to be able to help out.

However, things then got ‘better’. And by ‘better’, I meant ‘interesting’. I got told who else was pitching to the client. Obviously I’m not going to mention any specific details here, but I knew who they are. More importantly, I figured that I had a very good idea of who from their side would be creating the tech, & doing the pitch.

Now as I’m not mentioning any identifiable details, I’m feeling free to say this. They’re not at my level of tech skills. They’re nowhere NEAR my level of tech skills. This is NOT because I’m better than they are. Totally the opposite – they’re SO far ahead of me with their knowledge of things, I can barely see the dust that they kick up in a race.

Knowing this, I knew that I couldn’t build a model-driven app (though it would have worked perfectly for the scenario/s we were given). I HAD to do a canvas app. But even with doing that, it wasn’t going to be anywhere near as good as what the other side would be able to put on.

The phrase ‘gibbering in fear’ does come to mind with my reaction to finding all of this out. I did feel slightly like a deer caught in the headlights. I wanted to do well, both for myself & my company, but I honestly had no idea how we could stack up.

Deer in the Headlights: By Generation Success – Generation Success
How I felt I looked like!

Thankfully, my company has an extremely open culture, and I was therefore able to talk to my manager about it. He understood where I was coming from, but encouraged me to go for it & do what I would be able to create.

My wife also encouraged me to go for it. Well, actually her words were ‘it’s not sexy when a husband says that he can’t do it, so man up and go for it!’. Ha…after that I couldn’t very well NOT do it.

So I applied myself, and with some VERY late nights (I did have other projects on, as I mentioned above), managed to get something in place. Not only did I create it, I think it looked really good. There was some really nice (canvas app) functionality, and it all came together pretty well.

Everything was in place in time (including some last minute tweaks). I even decided to spice up the demo a bit, and borrowed some dinosaurs from the kids to use for personas. We were using live camera feeds for part of the demo, and suddenly the demo was joined by ‘Rexy’, the ‘Customer Service Representative’ T-Rex! They were quite amused by it (thankfully!), and our team thought it was absolutely hilarious.

Hire A Dinosaur - Creature Events
‘Good afternoon, how may I be of assistance?’

I have no idea how the other partner pitched to the client, or what the decision will be from the client. It’s way too early for that.

What I do know is that sometimes we can lose track of ourselves. I’m not going to go into the subject of ‘Imposter Syndrome’ (check out Em D’Arcy if you want to read up about that). Rather that having others around to encourage us, even though others may be more skilled, can really make the difference.

In life, we can often face challenges. How we handle them, and how we decide to move forward, can define who we are. When dealing with technology items such as the Power Platform, where there’s constant change, it can sometimes feel very daunting, but we still need to push ahead.

Yesterday I was listening to Lisa Crosbie talking about her journey into technology (and canvas apps). As she put it – ‘there is no comfort zone here – you need to find a place to feel comfortable with this level of discomfort, and ride it to be successful’. It’s really so true. It’s not just needing to push ourselves in the traditional way, but to keep up our own confidence in our skills & abilities. With this, we can continue to drive forward, keep on learning, and continue our journey of greatness!

I’m really glad that I was able to do this, and hope that I can keep this with me. By doing so, I’ll be able to continue along my own journey.

Have you ever had a time when a challenge seemed insurmountable? How did you cope with it? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear!

Canvas Apps, Collections & Dropdown Fields

This post is based around some recent work that I’ve been doing, which includes canvas apps. For those of you who aren’t familiar with canvas apps, imagine if PowerPoint & Excel had a baby! Though I’m expecting most people who are reading this to already know all about them 🙂

So enough with the waffle, let’s get on with things…let me paint the scenario for you.

The app is aimed to be used by a contact centre. Part of their function is to capture address information. So far this has been done absolutely manually. The issue with this is that data can be typed incorrectly, or in the wrong fields. We’re also needing to enhance the data with geographic-specific information (for reporting purposes). This information isn’t known by either the callers, or by the contact centre agents (for those who are curious, it’s the unique property reference number, which is unique to every address in the UK).

Thankfully, we’ve been given a source from the client which we can look this up against. In essence, we pass a postcode to it, and values are returned (in a JSON format). This includes the data that we’re looking for. Brilliant, so far.

When we got to thinking about things, there are several ways in which we could implement this:

  • Capture the data as we are already doing, & use Power Automate to get the relevant additional information


  • Automate this within the canvas app itself, and even give the customer service agents a bespoke address picker!

Deciding to go with the second option (it was a no-brainer, really), we moved ahead with this. We had the details that we needed in order to hit the address lookup API. One of the developers on the team created the Custom Connector, and got it working. We tested it out, and amazingly we got information back!

The next step was to see how we could do this within the canvas app itself. Now I’m going to admit here that although I’ve HEARD great things about Collections, I had never used them myself. In fact not only had I NOT used them before, I had NO idea how they worked! That was to change VERY quickly though…

Within a few hours, I had learned enough about collections to get how they worked, and pull data into them. It was actually really simple – I used the ClearCollect command to create a collection that was fed by the API query, which then created the data into a collection table for me to use. I was very impressed!

The code to return the postcode data. We had to do some manipulation due to the API constraints

OK – so I had my data in the collection now:

What were my next steps? Well, I was wanting to achieve the following:

  • Give the customer service agents an ‘address picker’ to use. They’d enter the customer postcode, & then be presented with a list of addresses that they could pick the correct one from
  • Automatically populate the customer address fields on the form from the selected address

Well, the first item (the ‘address picker’) was simple enough. Using a dropdown field, I pointed it at the collection data. This worked great, but the dropdown was only allowing me to select a single column from the collection to display. This meant that I could only select ONE column of data to return:

I can only select a single column!

1 column from the collection. OK, I thought – should be simple enough to handle. Let’s go and concatenate column values in the dropdown, to present the interface I’m looking for:

Now that’s more like it! Much easier for the customer service agents to use. OK – onto the next stage. Let’s go & set the fields to point to the collection, match to the value that’s selected in the dropdown, and populate. Should be simple to do, right?

Well…um, no, it’s not simple to do. In fact, it’s actually impossible to do. I was expecting to point to the dropdown selected value, & have the columns returned (from the collection). I could then select which column to use for a specific field. This, however, was not the case:

You have to love the ‘.’ (or ‘dot’) notation used in canvas app code. It shows you what values are available, and saves having to do lots of type. In this case, however, it also showed me that there was only ONE column of data to select from to display in the field. This was the ‘Result’ column.

This got me very confused. I tried going back to basics, and stripping out the concatenation in the dropdown. Wonderfully I was then presented with all of the different collection columns to use:

So let’s sum up things so far:

  • If I want to present the best option to the customer service agents (using concatenation), I can’t select different parts of the data for auto-population into fields
  • If I want to be able to auto-populate field values from the collection, I can’t use concatenation (& therefore can’t present user-friendly data to the customer service agents).

Note: Leaving aside wanting to show the house number & street, one of the main reason for wanting to concatenate was to handle buildings that had flats (aka apartments) in them. This is stored in a different column in the collection. It would therefore be difficult to show these both to the customer service agents

In essence, the behaviour of the dropdown field seemed to be that I couldn’t just change the displayed values without it ‘losing’ connection to the rest of the data. There was no ID that I could use to match on, or display what I wanted to.

This seemed to be a massive Catch-22. I tried various things, but couldn’t see a way out of this. I started to try to create a second collection, & concatenate fields from the first collection. This seemed like a good idea, though (with being totally new to it), I got lost. I tried various things; I even ended up managing to collect the entire data from the collection into a new column for EACH ROW!!

Thankfully, the community helped me out, in the forms of Peter Bryant & Clarissa Gillingham (I had posted about my issues on Twitter – the hashtag #poweraddicts is really great!).

With the help provided, I managed to work out the CORRECT syntax to use for the ‘AddColumns’ command. This now being in hand, I was successfully able to create a second collection & add concatenated field values to it:

Now for the moments of truth. Would the dropdown show this new column, & could I point the form fields to auto-populate specific columns?

Anticipation is the way to keep consumers coming back for more
Not me, but exactly how I was feeling!

The answer….was YES! It was working! I felt SO relieved. Let’s take a peek:

This was brilliant! We’re also populating other data in the background, but that doesn’t need to be visible to the customer service agents.

So in summary, I learned about collections, & how to use them. I also learned about the limitations of dropdown controls (when referencing them from other places), but came up with a way around it. Finally I achieved the result that I was aiming for. Very pleasing all round!

Have you come across something like this in an implementation? How did you manage to handle it (if you did)? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear all about it!

Canvas Apps, Patch command, & Business Rules

Recently I’ve been doing a LOT of work with canvas apps. As I think I’ve mentioned before (at least once or twice!) my background is the traditional ‘model’ style app. As a result, it’s been quite a steep curve to skill up, but I think I’m handling it alright. I’m (slowly) getting used to the way that canvas apps work, the ability to put different controls on the screens, and reference each other.

Heck, I’m even starting to play with more advanced navigation concepts, based on some REALLY great ideas that I’ve seen (Clarissa, I can’t say how grateful I am to you for all of your assistance & guidance!).

Gradient Adventure

Amongst all of this incredible & wonderous journey, I’ve also been learning some code. Yup – you heard me correctly! I’ve always said that I’m not a developer – I respect them greatly, but I don’t develop code.

True, I’ve picked up some SQL here & there, and will freely admit that running SQL queries against the Dynamics 365 database is SO much more powerful than running an Advanced Find. Of course, it’s necessary to know the joins, conditions & such. Redgate’s SQL Helper has been amazing along the way. With moving to cloud systems, things got a little more….complicated. XrmToolBox has the SQL4CDS tool which I’ve used several times, but I was really excited by the recent announcement/release of being able to (properly) run SQL commands against the CDS database from SQL Management Studio….

Anyhow, I’m digressing. So, I’ve been needing to learn canvas app style code. It’s like Excel commands, though (slightly) different at times. Things don’t always make sense (to me, at least) – I STILL haven’t figured out why some expressions need to be in a certain order. After all, according to mathematical principles it doesn’t matter if you write A>B, or B<A. Going to still need to wrap my mind around all of this.

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions - Math 7 Quiz - Quizizz

So, one of the commands that I’m using quite frequently is the Patch command. If you’re really interested, you can check this out in detail at

In short, Patch allows you to set record values from places other than a form table to the data that you’re saving. It also allows you to save field values that aren’t available on the canvas form table (due to limitations). I’ve referred to this previously at The scenario that I talk about there is just one of the things that can be done in this way. Since that post, we’ve come a long way, and are doing most things with Patch statements (due to the scenario requirements).

So that’s all well & good. However, there IS actually a reason for me writing this blog post….crazy, right? And it’s not to waffle on and on about patch statements. It’s about a very specific scenario that we hadn’t come across to date, but that came up last week.

Now, obviously you’re now VERY interested in hearing all about it, and learning for your own situations. I mean, otherwise you wouldn’t have stuck with me through this article for so long. So, let me set out what happened.

As mentioned above, we’re mostly using patch statements throughout this specific app. That’s….quite a lot of patch statements (especially as we also have IF statements governing which one is being used, as it’s not possible to use IF inside a patch statement, but I’m digress…). I’d say we’re pretty familiar with this now.

However, even with being familiar with it, we suddenly had a problem. One of the forms that we’re saving down started to NOT save down. Records weren’t being saved, which obviously is a problem!

Bear in mind here that we hadn’t touched the code for this specific action for a few weeks. Nothing had changed in our code, and nothing had changed from a platform perspective (ie Microsoft hadn’t changed any of the underlying functionality.

Going into the statement, we immediately started testing it out, and saw something interesting. We were getting an error that a required field could not be NULL:

This was quite puzzling – although in a model app we can set fields as required, and users can’t save the record until they populate it, this isn’t true in a canvas app (well, when using Patch, at least). See, it’s technically possible to use a Patch statement to create/update a record, but you don’t have to pass in required field (values). It’s a sort of workaround (& can be used in some scenarios for benefit, actually). So this happening all of a sudden was quite strange to us.

It was even stranger as we hadn’t been using the field on the form at all. The field that was being referred to was being used for a totally different process, in a different team, & not surfaced into the canvas app at all. This really was causing us to scratch our heads, and try to think (more) out of the box. It didn’t seem to be the code (we could set a value in code, but didn’t want to as it wasn’t relevant), yet we weren’t able to ignore it. Really frustrating!

With all of this in mind, I decided to go back to absolute basics after a few hours of troubleshooting. The field that seemed to be causing all of these issues was a relatively new addition, so I checked all of the details around it:

  • Was the field type correct for what it should be? Yes
  • Was it set as required on the CDS field definition? No (not that I thought this would help, but still checked)
  • Was the field on the entity form? Yes
  • Was the field set as required on the entity form? No (again, I didn’t think I’d get any joy from this)
    • Hold on….on the form designer it’s not set as Required. But when I open the form, and put some values in, suddenly it IS required.

Aha! OK – I’m now starting to see some light shining on this. I headed over to Business Rules to check out what might be there. Lo & behold, there was a business rule that set the field as required (when certain conditions were filled). An example of this would be:

Now this field hadn’t been in place when the code was developed (as mentioned above) – it had come in since. I was very curious if a Business Rule could require canvas apps to set the value, and so did some testing.

Disabling the business rule removed the error from the patch statement. Re-enabling it caused the issue again. OK – so we’ve found what’s been causing this, and could put in an adequate solution to handle it.

So in short, if you’re setting a field as being required through a Business Rule, you’re going to need to address it in any canvas app as well (that’s saving data down to the same form that it’s appearing on). Why it actually happens, when just setting it as Required on the form doesn’t, I have NO idea.

But it’s a good concept to keep in the back of your mind, I believe. Especially if there are multiple people working on developing a single entity, as otherwise you could find yourself in exactly the same scenario that we did!

Have you come across anything like this, or a different piece of strange behaviour? Comment below – I’d love to hear about i!

Canvas Apps & renaming field labels

Today I want to share with you something that I’ve realised. Changing field labels can have unintended consequences!

Let’s cast our minds back to the days of ‘traditional’ Microsoft CRM, or as it’s so lovingly referred to nowadays, ‘model-driven’ apps. What you had were a number of entities (eg Accounts, Contacts, etc), all of which contained fields. Fields could be different types (text, integer, boolean etc), and have varying properties on them. You could set them to be required (or not), searchable (or not), and have so much fun.

At the heart of a field is the name that it has. Well, technically there are two names. One is the actual database name. Once a field was created & saved, this was effectively written in stone. The only way to handle a situation where you spelled this incorrectly was to delete it, and then recreate it. Even then, it could still be floating around in the back-end database in its original form.

The second name is the Display name (or Display label). This was the text used on the entity form itself, & could be changed as desired. This was actually really useful – many a time a business unit would say something like ‘we don’t want the field to show as Zip/Postal Code’; we want it to say ‘Postcode’. Well, that was easy enough to address – simply go ahead, load up customisations, & change the display name property for the field. Everyone was impressed & happy, and could get on with their work.

There were of course times that Business Unit A would say ‘I want ‘ABC’ as the display name’, and then Business Unit B would say ‘Ah, but I want ‘XYZ’ as the display name!’. To handle this, it was very possible to customise the label on the form itself, which would then override the display name value. This, of course, would only be valid for that specific form, so it was then imperative to have different forms for the different business units.

Now, in the good old days we use to create SQL queries against the database, SSRS reports, etc. In order to do this, we needed to know the actual underlying (database) field name. We could of course open up customisations, & start trawling through, but there are better methods for doing this. One of these is Level Up by Natraj Yegnaraman. This can be found at, and is an extension which can be run on Chrome, Edge on Chromium, & FireFox).

Using this amazing tool, it was possible to merely load an entity form up in an existing system, and then TADA! At the click of a button (well, two clicks actually), the underlying database name was revealed. This was an absolute lifesaver, so many times.

So there we’ve been, toddling along for many years like this. It worked, and worked well. All was good.

Then came along canvas apps. Now I’m not a canvas app guru by any means – I’m quite new to them, and still trying to wrap my head around the ‘special’ way in which they operate. Thankfully there are quite a few gurus in the community who have given me help in one way or another to learn how to carry out various functions, and I think that I may JUST be starting to get the hang of it.

With the current COVID-19 situation, I’ve been working on a series of apps for work, to help local authorities. One of these is a canvas app for call centres, to record information easily & quickly. We chose to go down the canvas route due to being able to have a clean layout, as well as being able to display information for the operators to read. This would have been much more difficult in a traditional model-driven app, especially as such things as dialogues have been deprecated.

One of the functions that I’ve had to learn to do this has been to use the ‘Patch’ function (see for more information on this. The following is an example of one of the Patch statements that I was using:

This was working remarkably well – it was creating the task record, and setting all of the different values that I needed. For those who are curious as to why I was using a Patch statement, rather than submitting the form, it was due to needing to set the ‘Regarding’ field, which has some very special behaviour!

Then someone on the team said ‘Hold on – we’re only storing one address. Let’s change the field display names to remove the ‘Address 1′ part, so that we don’t confuse users’. OK – I didn’t INITIALLY see any issue with this. I bet that you can see what’s coming through…

Yes – you’re right. The patch statement isn’t referring to the field database name. It’s referring to the field display name! The reason for this is that this is the syntax that Canvas Apps use – there doesn’t seem to be a way to refer to the actual underlying field database name

Of course, I only actually discovered this when I ran through the canvas app again. And indeed, it was whilst demonstrating it to other people! Oh joys – what a wonderful time for it to happen.

So, I then had to figure out what had happened – thankfully that didn’t take too much time. What DID take time was going through every single place in the canvas app that had code referring to the specific fields, and update them to the new (correct) values. This therefore ended up looking like:

So, the vitally important lesson to learn here is be VERY careful when changing field display names, especially if you have one (or more) canvas apps that are referencing them. The last thing that you want is a major headache in having to go back through every place that refers to them, and changing/updating the values.

The only workaround that I’d suggest, is that if you’re wanting to change how fields display in the canvas app itself, change the ‘Text’ value for the field:

That way, HOPEFULLY, nothing will break moving forward.

I hope that you’ve found this useful. If you have a different way in which you’ve handled this situation, feel free to leave a comment below!

Canvas App record set Regarding field

For the last few days, I’ve been working on an app. Not just any app – it’s a canvas app! (It actually happens to be a COVID-19 related app, for local authorities to use to contact vulnerable people & check they’re OK etc).

Now, my background isn’t canvas apps – it’s the model-driven app approach. I’ve been doing this for years – after all, my experience goes back to Microsoft CRM 3.0! So that’s all really nice & easy for me (even with some of the more modern ‘tweaks’ that have been brought in). Canvas apps, on the other hand, are very different from what I’m used to, and are taking quite a bit of getting used to.

See, the following example is easy in a traditional model-driven app:

Create a contact, save various attributes to the contact record. Then create a task, and set the Task Regarding field to the contact that you’ve just created

Looking at that, my mind says ‘easy-peasy’!. I create the fields required for the contact entity (& task entity as well, if needed). I then add them to the entity form/s (creating or modifying the form view/s as well). Finally, I create a Business Process Flow for users on the contact entity, and append the task creation to it. Simple, and done – not much time needed to be spent.

But when needing to do this as a canvas app, things change around QUITE a bit. I can’t create that business process flow, and I have multiple screens to have all of the information on.

Now, if I could add the ‘Regarding’ field to the edit form grid, and apply formatting to it, I could hopefully then just submit & save the grid. However, that unfortunately doesn’t work. I can add the field, but when I do so, I get the following:

So that doesn’t work. Hmmm – how then should I go around doing it?

I did (obviously!!) take a look online. Here I came across this wonderful article all about polymorphic lookups ( Having read, & re-read through it, I’m STILL not understanding what exactly I should be doing by this!

So I was stumped. Thankfully we have an amazing community, and on reaching out to someone within it (thanks Eric!), I was helped out. I therefore thought to write this post up, so that it can help others as well.

There are two parts to this, for my specific scenario:

  • Saving the contact record down. This is a matter of using (in my case) the command ‘SubmitForm.ContactInformation’ on my contact form screen. I can then also set a variable if I want to, to refer to the Contact record GUID (hey – I’m trying to be cool here & show that I can!)
  • Finding a different way to save my task record. I accomplished this using the Patch statement – this thankfully wasn’t too difficult for me to grasp how it worked.

So, how did I go about using the Patch statement? Well, the function is referenced here – With Eric’s help, I soon started to see how to do it.

What I did was add the following line in my Patch statement when I was wanting to save the task: ‘Regarding:ContactForm.LastSubmit’ (‘ContactForm was the name of the form for the contact information). What this did was write into the record the GUID for the contact record that I last saved.

An alternative to this would be to use a variable instead, and set it there.

Thankfully this all worked. I’m now able to create Task records and set their Regarding field value to the Contact that I set up before them – which is the exact thing that I was trying to do!

I hope that this has been helpful – leave a note in the comments if you’ve found another way of doing this.