Power BI & Dataverse Solutions

With the recent announcement of Power BI being able to be included in Power Platform solutions, LOTS of people were celebrating. Finally there would be the ability to not only include Power BI reports within solutions, but we could then also automate (aka ALM) it as well! Celebrations all round….well, for the most part.

See, although the documentation (see Power Platform solutions can now include Power BI reports and datasets – Power Platform Release Plan | Microsoft Learn) states that Power BI reports & datasets can now be included in solutions, it doesn’t actually quite work like that.

What happens is that when Power BI reports and datasets (depending on what you’re wanting to do) are included in solutions, though it does appear in the solution explorer window, it’s actually just a sort of shortcut to where they actually live. Exporting the solution then brings in the components into the exported solution file. This can be seen quite clearly when extracting the file on your computer:

As we can see from the image above, we now have the Power BI components within it

Note: If you were hoping to just go into it & see the Power BI report nicely, unfortunately you’re going to be disappointed. Instead, it’s exported as a ‘.pbipkg’ file, which doesn’t seem possible to open with Power BI Desktop at all!

But it’s there, and supposed to work. So let’s go ahead & import it into the destination environment. After all, this is the whole point of solutions – being able to move components between places!

Note: For the purpose of this blog post, I’m using manual ALM (ie manually exporting & importing the solution). However, the same will be true for automated ALM (eg using Azure DevOps).

Now this can be easier said than actually done. See, it’s quite possible that you could experience an error when importing the solution into the target environment, such as the following:

The error message (‘This solution contains Power BI components, so it couldn’t be imported here’) seems to be helpful – well, to a point. We know that there are Power BI components in the solution – after all, this is the point of it, but how comes we’re not able to import it!

Usually at this point I’d go to download the log file, and try to pinpoint the exact cause of the error. When presented with this specific error though, the log file doesn’t really seem to be of much help, despite trawling through each & every line in it. All it does is confirm that there indeed has been an import error, and it seems due to the Power BI components in the solution.

Just to double-check this, I did remove the Power BI components, export the solution, and then import it in a different environment. This worked absolutely fine without any errors! So indeed it’s got something to do with the Power BI components – but WHAT exactly is happening?

Well, the cause of this goes back to how Power BI components in Power Platform solutions actually work. As mentioned above, the Power BI items (report, dataset etc) are actually stored within Power BI itself. Yes, they’re included in the solution when we export it, but when importing them, they don’t actually save to Dataverse.

This is the absolutely KEY important thing to know and understand. When importing a solution with Power BI components, they come in as part of the solution, but are published to Power BI. Not only are they published to Power BI, a Power BI workspace is CREATED for them to live in (which will be specific per environment – a single Power BI workspace will not be shared with multiple Power Platform environments):

What this means in reality is that when the solution is imported, the Power BI workspace is created. However it’s not created by the system itself – underneath everything, the creation of the Power BI workspace is being driven by the USER ITSELF that’s importing the solution. Now, if the user account does NOT have permissions to create Power BI workspaces…well then, it’s going to error out, which is EXACTLY what is happening here!

So, it’s absolutely vital that if you are including Power BI components in a solution, you must ensure that however you’re importing it, the user account has privileges to create Power BI workspaces (as well as publish reports to an existing workspace). Without this in place, you’re going to be getting some very confusing errors happening!

It’s also important to note that even if the solution is managed, it is still possible (with the appropriate user permissions) to edit the Power BI report & dataset. Including it in a managed solution does not lock it.

Also, I’d like to thank Laura GB for her inspiration on this topic – with my limited Power BI knowledge, I usually turn to her for advice & help with Power BI.

Have you been considering including Power BI components in your solutions, or already been doing so? Have you run into this error/issue before? Drop a note below – I’d love to hear how you managed to work out the issue!

Environment types, capabilities & backups

Interesting title to start a blog post with, right? I can’t tell you how much I tried to work out what to call this, but then I figured that I’d just put at a high level what I’m going to be talking about!

So let’s start at the beginning. Environments within Dataverse. An environment is essentially a container for all sorts of different components, such as data models, apps, code, etc.

Examples of what an environment can contain

Within the Power Platform, there are different types of environments. As a quick recap, currently we have the following:

  • Default. Every Power Platform tenant has a default environment. We of course shouldn’t be using this for any proper development!
  • Production. Used for any Line of Business application
  • Sandbox. A sandbox environment is any non-production Dataverse environment. Isolated from production, a sandbox environment is the place to safely develop and test application changes with low risk.
  • Trial. Used to take out a trial
  • Trial (Subscription Based). Used to take out a trial when there’s subscription licensing in place
  • Developer. Personal environment, limited to one user. Previously called the Community plan.
  • Teams. Used when an app is created within Teams, to use a Dataverse for Teams environment. Doesn’t have full Dataverse capabilities, and has various limitations
  • Support. Only able to be created by Microsoft support during a support case. Is essentially a clone of an existing environment, used for diagnosis purposes.

Now, sandbox & production environments are automatically backed up – backups occur continuously, using Azure SQL Databases underneath. It’s also possible to create a manual backup instance of an environment as well, which usually takes a few seconds to carry out (restoring a backup, on the other hand, takes quite a bit longer…).

When restoring an environment, it’s not possible to restore to a production environment (though the backup could be from a production environment). It’s only possible to restore the backup to a sandbox environment – you’d then need to promote the environment from sandbox to production.

Let’s move away from backups for a moment. When we create an environment, we have the ability to select that the environment should be enabled for Dynamics 365:

This is actually a REALLY IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION! At this point in time, it’s not possible to update from a Power Platform Dataverse environment to then bring in Dynamics 365 capabilities. What this means is that if an organisation starts with just Power Apps, and then wants to expand into using Dynamics 365, IT’S NOT POSSIBLE TO DO THIS NATIVELY. Even Microsoft Support can’t do anything around this – you’d need to create a new environment, enable it for Dynamics 365, and then restore a backup to it.

It’s something that a lot of us would like be in place, but we’re not sure if it’ll ever come about. This is a tweet of mine from 2019 that Charles Lamanna responded to (I was SO thrilled that he actually responded to me!!):


However, it’s still not in place. As a result, we recommend to all clients that when they deploy a Dataverse environment, they toggle the switch above (Note: A Dynamics 365 license is NOT needed to toggle this). Once this has been toggled (without deploying any of the Dynamics 365 apps), the Dynamics 365 apps and functionality can be installed/deployed at a later point in time.

There are actually various capabilities, such as the Data Export Service (yes, I know it’s now been deprecated) that actually relied on having the environment enabled as a Dynamics 365 environment in order to work. We found this out the hard way at a client, and had to do an overnight environment re-build to get the capabilities in place.

But there’s one other thing to consider around the differences between a native Dataverse environment, and an environment which has been enabled for Dynamics 365. This is around backups.

Now, backups are of course very important (thankfully they now occur automatically, as mentioned above – I remember my onpremise days when needing to run these manually!). But there are also some important differences for backup behaviour when it comes to environment types. See, it turns out that environments aren’t actually equal in backup behaviour. This is what actually happens:

  • Sandbox environments (all types) – backups retained for 7 days
  • Dataverse production environment (not enabled for Dynamics 365) – backups retained for 7 days
  • Dataverse production environment (enabled for Dynamics 365) – backups retained for 28 days

See that? Having Dynamics 365 enabled for an environment gives you FOUR TIMES as much backup retention time! That’s incredible!

Dataverse Environment enabled for Dynamics 365 – 28 days of backups available!

So not only are you able to then upgrade to Dynamics 365 applications at a later date, you then also have more peace of mind (hopefully you don’t need to use it though!) around keeping backups for longer.

This is really cool – I hope it helps you plan your environment implementation strategy! Have you ever come up against issues when using environments, or the type/s of environment? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear!

Security Roles & Assigning Records

Let’s face it, and call a spade a spade (or a shovel, depending on where in the world you happen to be). Security roles are very important within Dataverse, to control what users can (& can’t!) do within the system. Setting them up can be quite time-consuming, and troubleshooting them can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare.

Obviously we need to ensure that users can carry out the actions that they’re supposed to do, and stop them doing any actions that they’re not supposed to do. This, believe it or not, is generally common sense (which can be lacking at times, I’ll admit).

Depending on the size of the organisation, and of course the project, the number of security roles can range from a few, to a LOT!

Testing out security can take quite a bit of time, to ensure that testing covers all necessary functionality. It’s a very granular approach, and can often feel like opening a door, to then find another closed door behind the first one. Error messages appear, a resolution is implemented, then another appears, etc…

Most of us aren’t new to this, and understand that it’s vitally important to work through these. We’ve seen lots of different errors over our lifetime of projects, and can usually identify (quickly) what’s going on, and what we need to resolve.

Last week, however, I had something new occur, that I’ve never seen before. I therefore thought it might be good to talk about it, so that if it happens to others, they’ll know how to handle it!

The scenario is as follows:

  • The client is using Leads to capture initial information (we’re not using Opportunities, but that’s a whole other story)
  • Different teams of users have varying access requirements to the Leads table. Some need to be able to view, some need to be able to create/edit, and others aren’t allowed to view it at all
  • The lead process is driven by both region (where the lead is located), as well as products (which products the lead is interested in)

Now, initially we had some issues with different teams not having the right level of access, but we managed to handle those. Typically we’d see an error message along the following lines:

We’d then use this to narrow down the necessary permissions, adjust the security role, re-test, and continue (sometimes onto the next error message, but hey, that’s par for the course!).

However, just as we thought we had figured out all of the security roles, we had a small sub-set of users report an error that I had NEVER seen before.

The scenario was as follows:

  • The users were able to access Lead records. All good there.
  • The users were able to edit Lead records. All good there.
  • The users were trying to assign records (ie change the record owner) to another user. This generally worked, but when trying to assign the record to certain users, they got the following error:

Now this was a strange error. After all, the users were able to open/edit the lead record, and on checking the permissions in the security role, everything seemed to be set up alright.

The next step was to go look at the error log. In general, error logs can be a massive help (well, most of the time), assuming that the person looking at it can interpret what it means. The error log gave us the following:

As an aside, the most amusing thing about this particular error log, in my opinion, was that the HelpLink URL provided actually didn’t work! Ah well…

So on taking a look, we see that the user is missing the Read privilege (on what we’re assuming is the Lead table). This didn’t make sense – we then went back to DOUBLE-check, and indeed the user who was trying to carry out the action had read privileges on the table. It also didn’t make sense, as the user was able to open the lead record itself (disclaimer – I’ve not yet tried doing a security role where the user has create/write access to a table, but no read access..I’m wondering what would happen in such a scenario)

Then we had a lightbulb moment.

photo of bulb artwork

In truth, we should have probably figured this out before, which I’ll freely admit. See, if we take a look at the original error that the user was getting, they were getting this when trying to assign the record to another user. We had also seen that the error was only happening when the record was being assigned to certain users (ie it wasn’t happening for all users). And finally, after all, the error message title itself says ‘Assignee does not hold the required read permissions’.

So what was the issue? Well, it was actually quite simple (in hindsight!). The error was occurring when the record was being attempted to be assigned to a user that did not have any permissions to the Lead table!

What was the resolution? Well, to simply grant (read) access to the Lead table, and ensure that all necessary users had this granted to them! Thankfully a quick resolution (once we had worked out what was going on), and users were able to continue testing out the rest of the system.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear the details!

Environments & ‘Admin Mode’

With some recent events happening (both professional & personal), I’ve taken a slight step back from putting out posts on here. Thankfully things seem to be settling down, so I’m getting (back) into the swing of things!

I thought that it would be good to talk about a subject that I fell ‘foul’ of recently. This is around environments, and more specifically, the ‘admin mode’ that it’s possible to use on them.

So what exactly is this ‘admin mode’? Well, the aim of it to restrict access to certain users, namely System Administrators & System Customisers. Why would we want to do this? There are several scenarios that come into mind:

  • Performing a system upgrade (such as enabling new features)
  • Changing environment type (eg Production to Sandbox, or vice-versa)
  • Restoring an environment

Essentially, any time we have operation-type work that we’re wanting to carry out. This way whatever we’re doing won’t affect users, and anything that the users are doing won’t affect things either (symbiotic relationship there!).

So as an example, if we’re doing a major release, which changes functionality within a system, we wouldn’t want users in the system carrying out their usual work, as this could have data issue if saving during the actual release. We of course SHOULD be communicating to users that a release is going to take place, and that they shouldn’t be in the system at the time, but ‘admin mode’ is how we can truly enforce it.

Something to bear in mind as well is that if you’re going ahead & restoring an environment to a previous state (whether that’s an automatic save point, or a manual one), it will automatically put the environment into ‘admin mode’ once the restore has been completed. This is very important to keep in mind!

There are three settings around administration mode:

  1. ‘Administration Mode’. This sets whether admin mode is on or off!
  2. ‘Background Operations’. This sets whether background processes, such as workflows, power automate flows, and Exchange synchronisation are enabled (allowed to happen) or disabled (stopped from happening
  3. ‘Custom Message’. This allows you to set a custom message that users (who are not system administrator/system customiser) will see when they attempt to access the environment

So this is the scenario that tripped me up a few weeks back:

  • I was needing to restore an environment to an earlier save point (to be clear, this was NOT a production environment)
  • I went ahead with the restore, and it completed successfully
  • Given that I was doing this at night, one of my children woke up, and I had to deal with them
  • I came back to things, saw that it completed, and then went ahead with the release that I was needing to do

All seemed to go well. However, when users were testing (which admittedly was a few days later), they reported that some functionality wasn’t working. This was strange, as it had been working before the release (& the release that I did hadn’t actually touched it!).

It turned out to be Power Automate flows that just didn’t seem to be running. OK – I started to look into them, but couldn’t figure out why they hadn’t run.

Creating a test Power Automate flow didn’t seem to work either – despite running it to test it, the trigger never activated! I was quite puzzled by this, and couldn’t (initially) work out the reason.

Then I thought to check environment settings! Lo & behold, the environment was STILL in administration mode, and the Background Process option was disabled! Aha – I’ve found the source!

Flipping this out of administration mode thankfully then allowed all Power Automate flows to work/run, and users confirmed that functionality was indeed running as expected. As you can imagine, I was quite relieved!

man in white shirt and black pants standing on black concrete bench near white building during

Something that I hadn’t realised previously is that if you manually put an environment into administration mode, it doesn’t automatically disable background processes. However, if you restore an environment, it DOES disable background processes by default. So if you’re wanting to try out automation items within a restored environment that’s still in administration mode, you’re going to need to ensure that you toggle the Background Processes toggle to allow it to work!

One further thing to learn as well (which I’ve been asked already by some people, so thought that I would mention it here). I’ve mentioned above that users were in the system, but reporting that things weren’t working. Now given that the environment was in administration mode, people have asked how users could be in it! The answer is that these users actually had the system customiser role applied to them, which is why they could get in! If they hadn’t had the role, then perhaps I might have realised things a little sooner (ie that the environment was in administration mode).

So a (good) little lesson learned, and I’ll definitely take it forwards. Has this, or anything else like it, ever tripped you up? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear!