Solution deployments: Automated vs Manual

Over the holiday period, I’ve been playing around with solution deployments. OK – don’t judge me too much…I also took the necessary time off to relax & get time off work!

But with some spare time in the evenings, I decided to look a bit deeper into the world of DevOps (more specifically, Azure DevOps), and how it works. I’ll admit that I did have some ulterior motives around it (for a project that I’m working on), but it was good to be able to get some time to do this.

So why am I writing this post? Well, there’s a variety of great material out there already around DevOps, such as by Benedikt (check out his Twitter here), who’s really great at this. I chat to him from time to time around DevOps, to be able to understand it better.

However, I ran into some quite interesting behaviour (which I STILL have no idea why it’s the case, but more on this later), and thought that I would document it.

Right – let’s start off with manual deployments. As we know, manual deployments are done through the user interface. A user (with necessary permissions) would do the following:

  1. Go into the DEV environment, and export the solution (regardless of whether this is managed or unmanaged)
  2. Go into the target environment, and import the solution

Pretty simple, right?

Now, from an DevOps point of view, the process is similar, though not quite the same. Let’s see how it works:

  1. Run a Build pipeline, which will export the solution from the DEV environment, and put it into the repository
  2. Run a Release pipeline, which will get the solution from the repository, and deploy it to the necessary environment/s

All of that runs (usually) quite smoothly, which is great.

Now, let’s talk for a minute about managed solutions. I’m not going to get into the (heated) discussion around managed vs unmanaged solutions. There’s enough that’s been written, said, and debated on around the topic to date, and I’m sure it will continue. Obviously we all know that the Microsoft Best Practise approach is to use managed solutions in all non-DEV environments..

Anyway – why am I bringing this up? Well, there’s one key different in behaviour when deploying a managed solution vs an unmanaged solution (for a newer solution version), and this is to do with removing functionality from the solution in the DEV environment:

  • When deploying an unmanaged solution, it’s possible to remove items from the solution in the DEV environment, but when deploying to other environments, those items will still remain, even though they’re not present in the solution. Unmanaged solution deployments are additive only, and will not not remove any components
  • When deploying a managed solution, any items removed from the solution in the DEV environment, and then deploying the solution to other environments will cause those items to be removed from there as well. Managed deployments are both additive & subtractive (ie if a component isn’t present in the solution, it will remove it when the solution is deployed)

Now most of us know this already, which is great. It’s a very useful way to handle matters, and can assist with handling a variety of scenarios.

So, let’s go back to my first question – why am I writing this post?’s because of the different behaviour in manual vs automated deployment, which I discovered. Let’s look at this.

When deploying manually, we get the following options:

The default behaviour (outlined above) is to UPGRADE the solution. This will apply the solution with both additive & detractive behaviour. This is what we’re generally used to, and essentially the behaviour that we’d expect with a managed solution.

Now, when running a release pipeline from Azure DevOps, we’d expect this to work in the same way. After all, systems should be build to all work in the same way, right?

Well, no, that’s not actually what happens. See, when an Azure DevOps release pipeline runs, the default behaviour is NOT to import the solution (we’re talking managed solutions here) as an upgrade. Instead (by default), it imports it as an UPDATE!!!

This is what was really confusing me. I had removed functionality in DEV, ran the build pipeline, then ran the release pipeline. However the functionality (which I had removed from DEV) was still present in UAT! It took me a while to find out what was actually happening underneath…

So how can we handle this? Well, apart from suggesting to Microsoft that they should (perhaps) make everything work in the SAME way, there’s a way to handle it within the release pipeline. For this, it’s necessary to do two things:

Firstly, on the ‘Import Solution’ task, we need to set it to import as a holding solution.

Secondly, we then need to use the ‘Apply Solution Upgrade’ task in the release pipeline

What this will do is then upgrade the existing solution in the target environment with the holding solution that’s just been deployed.

Note: You will need to change the solution version to a higher solution number, in order for this to work properly. I’m going to write more about this another time, but it is important to know!

So in my view, this is a bit annoying, and perhaps Microsoft will change the default behaviour within DevOps at some point. But for the moment, it’s necessary to do.

Has this (or something similar) tripped you up in the past? How did you figure it out? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear!

Managed Solutions, & replacing a field

Well to start with, I’m sure that I’m going to get pulled up by some people for my use of the word ‘field’ in the title. After all, officially it’s now a ‘column’! But I (still) can’t let go of calling them as I’ve done so for over a decade, so field it is.

Now to the actual topic of this blog post, which is centred around Managed Solutions. Leaving aside the whole debate about whether we should be using managed or unmanaged solutions (& when/where to do each), there is one definitive benefit of using a managed solution.

See, unmanaged solutions are additive in nature. Work is done in the development environment, then deployed. Further work is done (additional items added, etc), and deployed, and they then appear in the downstream environments. However, if you delete an item in the development environment, it’s not removed when the solution is deployed downstream.

Managed solutions, on the other hand, are both additive & detractive. As with unmanaged solutions, items added in the development environment are also added downstream when deployed. However, if an item is removed from the solution in the development environment, it will also be removed when the solution is deployed downstream. It’s one of the useful ways to ensure that you don’t end up with random unused items just lying around in Production (which have a habit then of popping up in the Advanced Find window, for example). So it’s really quite handy for a lot of reasons to go down this route.

Well, I found myself going down this route recently, but with slightly unexpected results, I’ll freely admit…

The scenario was that we had deployed a managed solution to the UAT (test) environment on a client project. Then the client changed their mind (shock & horror!!) as to a specific item, and we needed to change it from a text item to a lookup item. Obviously (as per best practise, of course) this would need to be done in the development environment, and then released downstream. Given that this is a managed solution, I’d expect this to work, without any issues. Well, it didn’t…

The change in the development environment (deleted the old item, ‘re-created’ it as a lookup with the same system name) was done, we exported it as managed, and then went to import it in the UAT environment. It took the solution file, thought about it for a while (it’s somewhat of a large solution), & then errored:

Exception type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault] Message: Attribute mdm_field is a String, but a Lookup type was specified.

Now I was somewhat confused by this message occurring. It’s not been the first time I’ve seen it over the years, but in my previous experience I’ve seen it when handling unmanaged solutions. It’s when you delete an item in the development environment, re-create it as a different item type (with the same underlying system name), and then deploy it as unmanaged. The solution import in the second environment fails due to the different in the type (as it sees the same name). This, of course, is to be expected.

But here we’ve been using managed solutions for deployment, and as mentioned above, they’re detractive as well. The expected behaviour (at least from my side of things) would be that the system would note that the item type has changed, remove the old item, & import the new item. In my mind, that’s logical, but apparently not?

See, even managed solutions have their limitations, of which this is one of them. Having checked with several other people who I reached out to around this, I’ve discovered that it can’t work in the way that I was expecting it to. Instead, a specific process has to be followed

  1. In the development environment, remove the item, & export the solution as managed
  2. In the downstream environment(s), deploy this (interim) managed solution. This will remove the item from the environments
  3. In the development environment, re-create the item with the different system type. Then export it as managed
  4. In the downstream environments, deploy this solution. This will then add the item (with the new system type) into the environment.

This means that development & deployment teams (if separate ones) need to co-ordinate around this, to ensure it’s done in the right way. It could also be developed/exported in succession, and then imported in succession as well (either manually, or through an Azure DevOps Pipeline, for example).

This worked wonderfully for us, and to be honest, I was quite relieved after several hours of frustration with things. Even better, it was a Friday, so meant that the week could end well!

Have you ever come across this, and been frustrated as well? Have you got a similar story with something else that happened to you around solutions? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear!