Error in Customer Insights – Data

Not a long blog post, but something that may come in handy for some people!

I was recently playing around with Customer Insights – both the Data & Journeys side of thing for a Proof of Concept I was creating for a customer. It’s definitively interesting to see how Microsoft have been evolving the product over the last year or so (which was the last time I played around with it).

One of the components that we were very interested to play around with specifically is the ‘Discovery’ part of Customer Insights – Data. As shown in the screenshot below, this is where you’re able to use natural language to query your data, to then get results using AI. This means that you don’t have to understand any specific query language (SQL, R, M etc), but rather just ‘converse’ with it as you would another person.

You’ll perhaps note that there’s NO mention of Copilot here, though perhaps Microsoft may at some point decide to call this Copilot functionality as well?

The team had loaded in the data – we had a fair few number of rows (multiple millions of them!), gone through the unification process, enrichment process, etc etc. All of this was set up & working properly.

However, when I tried to go to the ‘Discovery’ tab in my own browser, I was getting an extremely strange error:

As you can see, it’s incredibly informative…NOT!!! I mean, what does ‘Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘key’)’ actually mean to the average person?

At first, I thought it was something to do with the underlying data, so went back to check that. However the data seemed fine. Furthermore, other people on the team were able to access Discovery in their own browsers without any issues.

Having no other option (turning it off & on again didn’t work), I raised a support ticket with Microsoft. This was responded to in a timely fashion, and I found myself working with Rohan, the Microsoft Support Representative.

In my initial ticket submission, I had included details of what was going on, what I had clicked on, that others in the team didn’t have the problem, the Organisation ID, URL’s – you name it!

Rohan jumped on a call with me, and it turned out to be the shortest support session I have EVER had. He asked me to change the system language to another language (I had been using English, to decided to change it to German). Once the language change had been applied, we navigated back to the ‘Discovery’ tab (all in German, I may add), and when the screen loaded, there was no error! Holding our breath, we then changed the language back to English (more complicated than I had imagined, with navigating in a different language).

Once this was done, and everything was back in familiar English, the ‘Discovery’ tab then loaded without issues (again!), and I was able to go ahead and start running queries in it using natural language. It was great!

In fact, it’s actually taken me longer to type out the above than the length of the support call – it was indeed that quick! Obviously lots of praise to Rohan (he did mention he had seen this once before, which is why he knew how to fix the issue).

The bigger question in my mind is what exactly was happening/going wrong underneath – I have asked this to Microsoft, but haven’t gotten a response. My guess is that something in the user/language settings hadn’t been populated properly, and therefore resulted in that error message. Updating/changing this forced it to then populate properly, and it worked.

Have you ever seen something like this, where changing a system setting (such as language) helped resolve an issue? I’d love to hear more about it –